This is the transcript for the video Welcome to the UTS Faculty of Law.

While it’s true that the future of law and the future of the legal profession are changing, at UTS Law we are at the forefront of thinking about the new possibilities that come with these changes and we are determined to prepare you, our students, to enter into this future well equipped and ready to succeed.

We don’t quite know what the future looks like, but we are helping you to be confident that you can negotiate it.

Hello, my name is Maxine Evers and I have the privilege of being the Associate Dean of Education here at the UTS Faculty of Law.

My role is to have overall responsibility for the Teaching, learning and student engagement here at our faculty, and it’s my great pleasure to welcome you here to the UTS Faculty of Law.

About six years ago we launched a series called The Future of the Legal Profession and with my colleagues, we investigated each year what the changes to the profession mean, how we could adapt and how we can help you in your studies.

So while these changes are something to be mindful of, we believe that they aren’t something to be afraid of. Instead, we see them as an opportunity to be welcomed and one that we are prepared for.

In fact, many of our alumni are already leaders in this field as you will learn during your time here at UTS.

We are here to help you get ready for the exciting careers that lay ahead of you.

Creating and developing your professional identity is an essential part of the future of work some of you will choose to practise law, some of you will not; however, your law degree will have value wherever and however you choose to use it in the future.

Regardless of which career path you choose it is vital that you consider and develop your professional identity:

  • Do you behave ethically?
  • Do you manage your relationship with others?
  • Do you conduct yourself responsibly and appropriately?
  • How do you organise yourself?
  • How do you manage your time?

It’s so important that you begin to think about and start acting on these principles throughout your daily activities at university.

Through your studies we will guide you and support you in developing these key attributes. And this is a really exciting time to be starting as a law student here at UTS, because during your time here you will experience our new law building and facilities that represent the faculty that we are: future-focused, modern and engaged.

It’s wonderful that you have chosen to study with us and I hope that you will enjoy your time whether it’s for three years, five years or longer.

It is a fantastic faculty. A faculty in which we are a community together in which we support one another and with a passion for social justice. We share a genuine sense of camaraderie and collaboration and we genuinely want you to succeed.

I hope that you will find your time here a really rewarding and rich one.