This is the transcript for the video Postgraduate Information Technology

Jaime Garcia Marin 0:04
So as you guys can see right in the middle, we happen to be number one in all the universities in Australia. So what that means is, out of all the units that are 25-30 years old, we’re number one. If you look at those numbers up here, that probably doesn’t mean a lot to you guys now, but let me see if I can explain it to you. So all these different rankings often get universities from all over the planet. And for this specific staff, there is 25 universities, 25,000 universities that were assessed and right. And out of those 25,000 unis, we happen to be in the top 100 list. This one up here specifically is looking at graduate employability. And what that means is how many students are what what percentage of students from UTS, will get a job within 12 months of graduation in that specific area of study. So for example, if you guys did a course in, I don’t know, cybersecurity, how many students will get a job in cybersecurity after finishing that study. For UTS, at least 85% of the students will get that. And that’s why we’re in the top 100 list.

If you guys look at this one up here, on the right hand side, we’ve got the QA stars, this one is a bit of a ranking system, kind of similar to when you buy an appliance, and you’re looking at the energy ratings and stuff like that. But this one is a bit different. It looks at the quality of the teaching, it looks at the employability of the graduates, which is what we just said, it looks at how international the universities and by that it means well, I mean, how many joint programmes it has, it’s got with different units overseas are different programmes that allow students to go and study overseas or bring in academics from overseas to give you guys, you know, teach you guys about specific stuff. And it also looks at research development, how advanced is the research being conducted by the University. So looking at those four parameters, this is how you get these rating. And we tick all the boxes for all these different dimensions. And that’s why we have five out of five stars.

On the left hand side, you guys can see the number one in computer science. And Luke and I are quite proud of this one. Because as we said before, where I came from the School of Computer Science, and again, to come up with this ranking, what they do is they look at three different parameters. They look at the reputation of academics, like local myself, they look at the research impact. So how impactful is the research conducted by those academics? Is it helping to make a better society? Is it helping a specific community with the specific needs? Is it good research, that’s what they look at. They also looked at the reputation from employers like for example, they look at all the companies that have employed graduates from the university. And they get their opinion on the quality of the graduates. So if you put all of this combined, we get the number one ranking here.

If you guys look at the last one 150, we happen to be in the top 150 list of unis out of 25,000. Again, if you look at popularity, and performance, and just so you guys get an idea of how big we are, if I’m not mistaken, we have 15,000 students in the whole uni. And almost 3000 of those students are posted students doing IT courses in the faculty. So hopefully, this will give you guys a better idea of what it is, is how big it is and how good it is as a uni. And now let me get into different areas of studies. So as I said before, we’re going to talk about only IT. And we have different disciplines here. As you guys can see, it’s quite diverse. So we’ve got information systems, we have interaction design, we have animation of this realisation, we have a couple of new courses. And this is really exciting because these couple, the last ones didn’t exist six months ago. This is brand new stuff out of the oven. And we’re quite excited to have these guys, these for you guys now. So we have cybersecurity and artificial intelligence. So for all these problems we have for most of them, we have a graduate certificate, which is a six month course. But also we have master’s degrees, which can go for one year for 1.5 years or up to two years. And I’m going to get into one of each of these in a second.

Okay, so information technology. This one, it’s confining because you get a lot of understanding in an advanced knowledge in different areas of it, but at the same time, you can specialise yourself one specific thing can be really, really good at it. So it’s one of those courses that gives you guys that flexibility to become really proficient in one aspect, but also, it gives you guys the chance to get a better Understanding of different fields in that in the IT space. So for example, if you guys have jobs as IT project managers, or if you guys want to get jobs as an IT project manager of a business analyst or a Information Systems Manager, this is the course for you. These goes for two years, and then in those two years, you’ll take 16 subjects. So the way it works at UTS is every semester, you take four subjects, each subject equals six credit points, I’m talking about this bit lineup.

So each of those subjects, or we have different packages of subjects, which will help you guys sort of get to the end. So from for this one, you’ll take four subjects from the professional stream, that means courses such as enterprise systems, databases, software, engineering, networking, that kind of basic stuff, then you’ll take three subjects from the core. And that’s when you guys take things like technology, research, preparation, project management, IT professional society, and those subjects will teach you guys how to be not perfect IT person that can communicate with higher management, but also IT professionals. And those courses will help you guys with pride in for example, project proposals when you know, you need to get approval from higher management. But also it will help you guys communicate with a team of developers or designers and get your project done. Also, you have six subjects that you can take from one of the majors, the majors are listed here on the screen, as you guys can see. So you can go with Business Information Systems, or cybersecurity, or data analytics, or interactive media or internet working, I did start one, it’s quite cool software development, or you can just take like this, that’s the tough to get into the next one.

So this one is interaction design. And this one is quite interesting. I’m gonna be biassed here, because I did quite a few of these subjects, especially against ones. So it’s quite cool. So this one, it’s about designing interactive digital products. And some of you might be wondering, what will that be. And I’ll give you guys an example. We all use one of these, this is a digital product. And we need professionals that know how to design things for these devices. So for example, things like designing the user interface of your phone, or, for example, designing the user interface of the specific application, or, for example, designing a game that runs on your phone, and that kind of stuff. So that’s why this course sort of focuses on learning the audience that you guys are designing for. So if you’re interested in jobs, such as a UX designer, or a multimedia engineer, or even now, you know, baby, it’s happening in Sydney, this massive activation of light colour, and installations and interactive systems. Most of that stuff is designed by interaction designers. And it’s developed by people with skills that can create digital experiences. This sub this, this course takes, it goes for about a year and a half.

And you have to take 12 subjects, and it’s the one this one is quite simple, because you take subjects from the core A, you take subjects from the core B and then you have a choice. So that choice will have four more subjects. From core A, you basically get into interaction design related subjects, such as fundamentals of interaction design, advanced interaction, design, storytelling, prototyping, and that’s kind of, you know, building things, building tangible products in the tangible prototypes, whereas core B is more about learning about the audience that you guys are designing for. So as you guys can see, in Core B, we have subjects such as human centred design, which is learning, kind of putting yourself in the shoes of the person that you’re designing for understanding the limitations, preferences, motivations, just to make sure that you deliver the best the best experience that you can with your digital product. From the choice, it depends on what you’re interested interest are, are is you can go with Data Analytics, you can go with game design, highly recommended. Or you can take for example a graduate research project which effectively gives you a flexibility to investigate and explore any topic that you like, as long as it makes sense to us.

Of course the next one so this one this one is really cool as well. It’s the master of animation and visualisation. And this is one of those one of a kind offerings that I don’t think many universities have. This one is we’ve been working with animal logic, probably know those guys from things like The Lego Movie, we’ll have to feed all this 3D Animation Movies dark are quite famous now. So we actually have a partnership with them to offer you guys the best course that you can imagine. So this one is a bit different to the other ones. Because this one doesn’t have quizzes or exams or assignments, you don’t even have classes per se, you don’t have a lecture. Instead, you work on a 9-5 project for a whole year. So think of this as a job where you get to work with industry experts, and you actually get to use state of the art technology. So we have a dedicated space for this stuff.

This one, in principle has three subjects. But at the same set of subjects, those are like stages of the project. So for example, in March, which is the beginning, you have the Connect studio, and that’s when you guys come up with new ideas for the project that everyone in that course will be working on for the whole year. Then you have the collaboration studio, which happens in the middle, that’s when you guys learn how to use the tools, like for example, unity, or the unreal game engine, or things like Maya portray modelling. And then towards the end, which is around September, that’s when you guys have the challenge phase, that’s when you produce a masterpiece. And that’s when you produce something as a as a theme. So for example, if hypothetically, you have 100 students take this, this year, those 100 students will be working on specific elements of that masterpiece. And that makes this really cool. So it’s really intense, but at the same time, it’s quite condensed, so you get a lot of learning opportunities. And it all happens within the one year timeframe. And you produce a really fantastic portfolio piece that you know, can help you get a job in the future.

Okay, so now we move into a new stuff, which as I said before, these are new offerings. And we’re really excited about this one, because they didn’t exist in the past. And the reason why we came up with this is, you know, we keep an eye or we work really closely with industry. And this is one of those offerings that sort of tried to meet industry needs. So cybersecurity is a big deal these days. As you guys know, we all use tech like this phones, computers, tablets, and even things connect to the internet these days, don’t you guys have heard of IoT internet of things. So for example, your fridge connects to the Wi Fi. Now, in some cases, your coffee machine connects to the Wi Fi, and a whole bunch of devices are now getting online. So this stuff, it’s a really practical course where you guys learn how to create and manage a secure network, how to create, manage and manage secure systems, and effectively your work with emerging areas of cybersecurity. So for example, you can apply for jobs, such as a security analyst for a company, or you can be a security engineer, or you can be an ICT security specialist. So you know, it, this stuff really teaches you what you need to know to make sure that your network is protected, or your ecosystem of technology is protected.

So this stuff goes for about a year and a half, you have to take 12 subjects, and we have three different sort of blocks of subjects. The core, which is effectively four subjects with you guys learn about networking, local networks and routing. You also learned about Unix systems, so they know systems, and you have a bit of an introduction to cybersecurity. Once you guys learn about risk management, which effectively is how you guys find the issues in a network, your foundations in a system, and how you guys propose solutions that will fix those issues. The second block of subjects is what we call the core options. So this one is a list of subjects where you can pick from, and you can you can take up to six subjects here. And some of the cool subjects that students often take are cloud security. So as you guys know, everything these days happens in the cloud. We don’t store data anymore, no computers, or at least not everyone does.

We teach you guys about cryptography as well, cyber security for more platforms like this digital forensics. So for example, a hacker gets into your bank account. And they need to find how the person got into the system to steal that money. So cyber security’s being able to identify flaws in your system or your whole network and protect them and make sure that that attack doesn’t happen again, so that I can start you learn from the subject. There’s also subject a subject on security in IoT devices but Internet of Things, and the results subject on appliances for network security. So this actually dedicated machines to protect your network is not just some powder like the one you guys get from your internet provider. This actual appliances to me Ensure that the whole network is secure.

Finally, you have two more subjects from the project stream. And this one, again, is technology of research preparation, which teaches you how to write a proposal and how to communicate between upper management and a group of professionals. But also you get six months to work on your project, that project that you propose the subject. So as you guys can see, it’s quite comprehensive. And, you know, it touches on different aspects of cybersecurity. I’m gonna get into next one, which is artificial intelligence. Once again, this is brand new stuff. And we’re quite excited about this one. This one will teach you guys not only the fundamentals, but also advanced knowledge in artificial intelligence. And some of the fields that are quite popular these days are data analytics, data visualisation, machine learning, deep learning, and a whole bunch of things. So for example, you you’ll get specific knowledge in things like neural networks, deep learning, reinforcement learning, and most importantly, ethics in AI. So some of the jobs that you guys can potentially apply for, once you take this course will be machine learning engineer, for example, you can be a senior data manager, or a data scientist, and bytes are quite keen on getting people like that. So these days, being good with data and being able to the computer to exploit that data. It’s one of those skills that big organisations needs met. And this course will help you guys with that.

Now, this course goes for two years, which means you’ll be taking 16 subjects, again, four subjects as semester. And this one has got different blocks of subjects. So you have the fourth stream, you have core options, you have the professional stream, you have the south major, and you have the project stream. So as you guys can see, it’s, you know, it’s it’s quite intense. But the beauty of that is from each of these blocks, you can take really cool subjects. So for example, from the core stream, you’ll be taking things like intro to artificial intelligence, it’s an introductory course on how to do artificial intelligence stuff, you will get some fundamentals of software development, Fundamentals of Data Analytics. Also, you guys will learn about advanced analytics and algorithms as well as data visualisation. So it’s ways to visualise data to get meaning out of it. From the core options, you can take really cool subjects such as business intelligence, and decision support. And this stuff is really important. So back in the day, people used to make decisions based on what they thought was appropriate for the business. But these days, we collect data in so many ways. And if you guys get really proficient at getting parents and getting meaning out of that data, you can actually make decisions that will help the business to grow and will help the organisation to achieve the goals.

So you guys, you guys will learn all this stuff in that subject. We’ll teach you guys uh, you know, we actually work closely with the big tech companies as well. So one of the subjects is called architecting. Amazon Web Services, which is quite relevant these days, we have a subject on neural networks and fuzzy logic. And we also have subjects on quantum computing, which is one of the cool topics in it at the moment. From the professional strength, you can take subjects such as technology and innovation management, one of the most important ones, the ethics of data, and AI. As you guys know, a lot of devices collect data these days, and probably if you guys use Google, or certain website names, specifically, but certain mail providers, you’re going to notice that sometimes they go and say things like this person sent an email to you, you haven’t reply in five days. It’s like they looking at your emails, but not quite. So this stuff is for that.

We also have to submit yours from which you get to take take four subjects. One of the sub majors is computer vision. And the other one is natural language processing. So computer vision is being able to identify or find things in images, like things like for example, having you know, this CCTV camera from the train station, someone false of the platform, being able to detect that just by using artificial intelligence. That’s one of the applications for example, or natural language processing, which is being able to talk to computers in a more human way and getting answers from the computer to know more human way again. Fine.

Finally you have the project stream, which again, has the technology of research preparation subject, and a dedicated subject where you guys get to work on your on your project. Now, let me get into the different offerings. So as I said to you, there’s different study or areas of studies. But we also have different sort of commitment levels depending on your needs and what you guys want to trade. So for example, if you want to get a bit of an idea of what it’s like to study at UTS, we have a free online test, of course, you can take them out during a class, see when it’s like, see if you like it. And if you do, you can vote in one of the bigger ones. We also have short courses, where we teach you guys specific, specific skills and a couple of days or a couple of weekends, we actually have all of those listed in the website. We also have micro credentials. And these are quite popular in the in local industry. So for example, we’ve been helping big companies and upskilling dirt personnel with, you know, the latest in say, AI, or the latest in cybersecurity. So we’ve developed micro courses where they go for about a semester, and they learn about a lot about certain topics. And that way, they don’t have to a whole degree on certain things. So that’s really good, if you need to get a specific set of skills that will make you better at the job. But we also have the more traditional stuff like this ones. So we have graduate certificates. And this is when the credit point system probably makes more sense.

So as I said to you guys, one subject equals six credit points. So if you guys go for graduate certificate, that means you have to complete 24 credit points, what the subjects, which means you’ll have to take six subjects, and that’s a semester worth of studies on four subjects. That’s four subjects. If you guys study for a whole year and take eight subjects, you’ll do, you’ll be completed and Graduate Diploma, if you guys go for Masters, that seven to 12 point that’s 1.5 years of study full time. And then we have these two, which are two years long. And one of these can remember which one apologies for that will help you guys transition into doing a PhD a bit later. Now in terms of fees, that’s one of the common questions we get, Jamie, how much is it. So as I said before the grade point system, it’s quite important here. So the way this is calculated is your study will require that you complete certain credit points.

So if you take the cost of one credit point multiplied by the number of credit points you have to complete, that’s how you get the that’s how you get the amount. So for example here from the graduate certificate 19, you’ll have to complete 24 credit points, which means you’ll be paying something around $15,900. And then we’ll have a couple more examples at the bottom, the muscles fighting each credit point, it’s 600 $663. So if you multiply that by 96, you will get the amount they’ll have to pay for the whole course.

Dannielle Woolcott 23:01
So, I guess some of the key things that you’d like to know after hearing Jamie’s presentation today is what should you do before you apply? Some of our key learnings is obviously to check the session dates, the admission requirements for the course that you’re interested in the required documents that need to be certified when applying your English proficiency for the course that you’re interested in and the recognition of prior learning guidelines. Just note that this is different for each and every applicant, as it’s a unique situation to what they’ve studied in the past. Now how you apply.

On your screen, we’ve got two QR codes available one for domestic and one for international. If you’d like to check out the application link there. And just a friendly reminder that for the next semester our application deadlines do close on the 26th of June. Now we also have the Master of Animation and Visualisation, which Jamie went into quite great length previously. And just with applying for that course, what happens is you have a selection reg out of a portfolio, which includes images, videos and other links to the course itself and academic record if applicable, and a personal statement as to why you want to apply.

There’s many examples that you can reach out to the Animal Logic Academy at UTS directly to get inspiration from and they’ll always help you when it comes to putting through an application. At the moment. Our applications are now open for the International 2022 intake. So it’s good to get your applications ready. Common questions we always have a various amount of questions, especially when it comes to fees, fees, assistance, credit recognition, timetables, obviously for our international students, what’s involved there, and any short courses or scholarships that we might have available.