This is the transcript for the video Media Business

It’s a really obvious industry presence, whether that’s through guest lectures,
whether it’s through how we’ve designed our assessments to mirror real
world problem solving required off professionals. Um,
but also the kinds of case studies that we get to look at,
which are very contemporary and topical and now,
and really what this major really tries to instill in
students is a really strong sense of creative entrepreneurship.
So creativity is something that runs through all our disciplines in the school
of communication. In the media business major,
we couple that sense of creativity and that desire to be a professional
communicator with business insights and business skills so that you can
apply these skill sets in those more business oriented or
entrepreneurial contexts and workplace scenarios.
So what does it mean to study any major in the school of
communication? So regardless of which made you choose now,
remember a major or your first major is kind of a
concentrated program of study, where you study quite intensively,
a particular aspect of communication.
And we have a variety of majors that you can choose from, the media business
major is just one. So in this particular program,
you have the option of doing one major,
but we also allow you, in fact, encourage you to do a second major.
And I’ll talk a little bit about that shortly,
regardless of which major you choose,
all communication students will successfully complete three core
communication subjects. These,
if you like a foundational subjects that all comms students take,
and then we’ll take you across the main concepts
skills, theorists and writers, um,
within communication study.
And they really give you a very well-rounded insight and deep dive
into university level communication study.
What you will do in your major is successfully complete eight
subjects. So a major comprises of eight subjects,
pretty much that cohere around quite a specific area or theme of
study. So in media business,
all those subjects will combined produce a well-rounded
in-depth and nuanced understanding of media business.
You will also most likely do a second major.
This is something we’re really proud of and excited about because when you do a
second major and we’ll, we can go through some of those options shortly,
but effectively,
what you end up doing is extending your skillset and the knowledge that you
graduate in a really impressive way so that when you go out into the
workforce, no matter where you end up on the job planet,
whether it’s in the corporate sector, whether it’s in government communication,
whether you’re working in advocacy on not for profit,
you will have this really wide skillset. So for example,
you might have your first major in media business, which as I said,
would equip you with those business insights and that kind of entrepreneurial
decision-making skills,
but maybe your second major is in journalism or digital and social media
or writing and publishing. So effectively.
What you’ve done is double the, the, the kind of colors, you know,
that you can put on your CV and in your portfolio.
And it’s your way of saying to the world,
I’ve got these really wide and dynamic skillset.
So it really just makes your time with us go further once you graduate.
So in addition to your first major and your second major, you can also choose,
um, electives from what we call banks of electives.
And this is a list of, um, you know,
elective subjects that will, you know,
I always encourage students to choose the electives that you find most
Cause this is the way that you can add a bit of color and nuance to your study
program and step outside of your majors and kind of dabble in something,
um, a little bit outside the majors. So we really, um,
encourage students to have a look at those options and really spend time
thinking about the kinds of skills and knowledge, um, and you know,
the kind of, um,
array of skills and insights that you want to graduate with.
So the media business major, as I said earlier,
comprises of these eight subjects.
And as I go through these, you,
I hope get a better sense of, of what’s entailed.
So anybody that works in anything business related,
and especially if you graduate from UTS,
we would expect all our graduates to have a really strong sense of ethics
and, and, you know,
conducting all your professional work and professional life with, uh,
with a strong sense of, um, not just legal obligations,
but also ethical obligations. In this major,
you will do a subject called media law and ethics,
which takes that priority and those principles and applies that to media
contexts and media industries.
So this is a lovely subject that takes you across some of them, you know,
the curlier, um,
considerations and issues that you’re most likely encounter in industry, or,
you know,
post-graduation and equips you with the insight and the knowledge to resolve
those considerations in ethical, informed way.
You will also do a subject called people and organizations. Now,
this is actually one of the two subjects drawn from the UTS business school,
the other one being in fundamentals of business finance.
And we love having these subjects in this particular major because it
effectively takes our comms students outside of our major.
In fact, in fact, outside of our faculty and,
and gives you enough insight into some of the key principles and
practices and priorities, um, that business students are taking.
And what you can do is then embed that knowledge into this particular study
And it will just enhance your understanding of media business because you have
that direct experience of these subjects exactly from the business school.
So people in organizations and fundamentals of business finance will equip you
with those basic foundational business insights and concepts
that will, you know,
are really what differentiate this major from the others in the school of
communication. You’ll also do a subject called digital media industries.
Um, and you might be thinking, well, all media industries digital now.
Yes and no,
but specifically you have a look at how digital in particular
has both problematized,
but also created opportunities for media production and media industries.
And that’s a really important insight to have,
especially now you’ll be doing the subject called creative entrepreneurship.
And this is really important because if you’re studying media businesses,
there’s a strong chance that you will end up in one of the creative industries.
Um, and so you need to know what that means in terms of,
um, policies, laws, um,
the business side of making creative content profitable or
marketable, or just even logistically possible.
So that’s subject takes you across, um, the,
find the details of being a creative entrepreneur. Okay.
You’ll also do a fabulous subject called media influence,
and this is your,
beautiful foray into the many and varied ways that influence in
contemporary media now manifests. Um, and, you know, from,
from things like social media influences to, to lobbyists,
to Facebook, um, the many and varied ways that, you know,
people can have a voice, be heard, make some noise, get attention,
um, in contemporary media.
And if you are hoping to be successful in maybe a
business as, as, uh, as a life career, not as a student,
you need to have this understanding of how influence percolates and
manifests now, and this subject takes you across that, and of course,
fundamentals of business finance, where you’ll get that, that, um, really
necessary foundational basis in basic business concepts
and, and, um, and principles. So you’ll see in this major,
we cover a lot of ground thematically about
combined. These subjects will give you that wonderful,
deep dive into the world of media business and the various
aspects of navigating media industries.
So as with all our majors, um,
we know that our majors equip our students to go into a wide
range of, of, you know, career pathways. It’s not, you know,
and this isn’t to cast doubt on other other degrees,
but it’s not like carpentry or dentistry or accounting where you pretty much
know what your job is going to be. Um,
we create wonderful professional communicators
and we’re confident that the skill set that you cultivate actually will take you
confidently and, and, you know, successfully through various career pathways.
And it’s, that’s no less, um, relevant for this particular major. Um,
but like I said,
we created this major because we sense that there was a side to media
that we, you know, that students kind of wanted to be able to access and,
and master, and it wasn’t necessarily covered in the existing suite of,
of majors. So if you aspire to have a career within,
you know, maybe you want to be a key decision maker in, in, in music companies,
in the music business or in TV and or film production or
in advertising, or in gaming, you know, video games, um,
online, you know, on various platforms, if you want to be a key decision maker,
a key influencer, um, and make those,
those ambitious and bold business decisions and strategize
business opportunities plan, uh, you know, be a strategic planner,
get involved in policy, promotion consultancy. This is the major for you.
So it’s for those students that don’t necessarily want to create the content
necessarily, but be a key decision maker behind the scenes,
um, and, and, you know, have that kind of influence and that kind of presence.
So that’s the major of media business. Um,
and I mentioned earlier that one of the things that we strongly encourage
students to do is to choose a second major.
And what this will do is give you also familiarity and kind of
robust engagement with another often very different major that we offer in the school of
communication. So that could be digital and social media,
a really popular second major, um,
because I think there’s few places left in the media universe that haven’t been
challenged or changed, or even invented by digital and social.
So if you want to couple your media business study with
that strong familiarity, with all things, digital and social,
that’s the second major for you,
or perhaps there’s an inkling in you for journalism,
which remains a really compelling and popular career choice.
Um, a lot of journalists are also freelance,
so it’s not necessarily something that you have to do full time if you want to
have those skill sets. Um, or if you can see yourself, you know,
applying your media business degree or major predominantly in the world of
then maybe that is the extra knowledge you want to augment your media business
program, or perhaps you want to do a second major in,
they’ve put public communication. It’s now called strategic communication,
strategic communication covers things like advertising and PR.
I’m actually the head of discipline for strategic communication. So of course,
I’m going to talk about how wonderful that is. Um,
but strategic communication. Um, like I said,
it looks at PR it looks at advertising. Um, and yeah, needless to say,
it’s not too far removed from the world of media business. Um,
only because a lot of PR and advertising takes place, um,
in commercial spaces in corporate spaces that said a lot also happens
in the NFP and charity sector as well. Um,
but if you’re interested in PR in advertising,
you do STRATCOM, um, another really popular,
second major is social and political sciences.
This is really important for those students who would like to learn more about
how you can be a successful communicator and an effective communicator. Um,
especially if you’re interested in things like advocacy or lobbying,
or you wanted to go into say policy advising or, um, you know,
political consultancy, um,
social and political science is a fantastic sort of journey
through complex hot topics that, you know,
are important, uh, engaging and which, um,
I always think, you know, that’s one for the deep thinkers.
So social and political science is a fantastic second major. Um,
another option for a second major is writing and publishing.
So, um, I mean,
I like to think that all our majors involve good writing,
but perhaps you’re especially interested in, um, in the writing industry, um,
in the publishing industry, Hey,
if you want to take your media business skills and, and, you know,
kind of that kind of sense of entrepreneurship into publishing or writing,
I will strongly recommend writing and publishing as your second major.
So think carefully about the kind of skill set you want to graduate with.
Think about the kind of options that you want in front of you professionally and
design your major and second major, um, around that.
So you don’t have to rush it, have a, um,
a look through say the, the subject descriptions, um,
that sit within the various majors and whatever peaks, your interest,
whatever sounds like you,
whatever sounds like the combination of skills and knowledge that you want to
have in your pocket in a few years time. Um, that’s,
that’s what you go with. Um,
and when it comes time to choose your electives, another fabulous way to add
color, and nuance to your study journey, um,
because we want you to choose subjects that equip you for
awesome jobs,
but also that satisfy you intellectually and that speak to your interests.
Another thing which you might consider is combining your bachelor of
communication with another degree. So we do offer combined degrees.
So you might look at a bachelor of laws or bachelor of international studies,
um, or a bachelor of creative intelligence. Um,
you might do a diploma in languages, and I should say today being open day,
there are information sessions about all of these. So if,
if that’s something that you want to do,
I’ve always encouraged students to lean into to what interests them,
look at your options. Um, this will necessarily,
if you were to do one of these would necessarily add a little bit of time to
the traditional three-year duration of a degree,
but it might just be worth it if, um, if, if that’s okay,
that’s what you’re up for. So, the other thing,
um, I might just point out, and again, I’m saying this as a,
um, I’ve got another cap that I wear,
which is the associate Dean of international. Um, and now there’s,
I’ve got a time as any, to,
to really stress to you that one of the things that we really encourage students
to consider, um,
as they study with us is to leave us for a little bit and actually participate
in any of the international study experiences that are available to UTS students
and the options, uh,
are really quite impressive and varied. So for example,
we strongly encourage our students to consider doing an exchange, um, uh,
with any number of our, um, uh,
international university partners,
or you might want to do a study abroad, um,
program or a global short program when you spend, you know,
two to six weeks immersed over say summer or winter, um,
with one of our partner universities, if that’s something you’re interested in,
there is plenty of information, um, at the UTS, um, website,
have a look and be, be impressed by the number of,
um, partnerships that we have around the world and, and just, you know,
seriously contemplate that. I should also say, I mean,
I know when I was at uni student and anybody would mention international study,
my first thought was always sounds way too expensive. We have, um,
support and scholarships and, and, um,
programs where we can actually help, you know,
subsidize significantly, um,
students that want to undertake any of these international experiences.
So as you, as you shop around, um, open day,
keep that in the back of your mind,
know that your time with us can actually include an exciting,
you know, um, time spent overseas.
The other thing that we really take seriously at UTS and especially in the
school of communication is the really strong industry presence that we have
throughout all our majors and in all of our subjects. So this is just,
this is actually just a sample of some of the external organizations that we’ve
partnered with, um, for various reasons in various ways. And, you know,
there are some seriously impressive names.
Like The New York Times and the ABC and Google,
and the way that we work with these organizations varies. I mean, for,
for some, you know,
they can provide guest lectures from some of our subjects. Um,
others have helped us design briefs for university assignments,
so that when you actually do an assessment for us effectively,
what you’re doing is real life work.
So an organization might have a particular communication problem or strategy
that they need designed, and our students will work on that.
And effectively what that does is recreate the scenario and the kind of
creative problem solving that will be required of you once you graduate in,
in real, in real life context.
And we’re proud of these connections because it also shows the breadth of
organizations that we liaise with,
but also the variety of organizational types that you can go into.
So we’ve got organizations drawn, drawn, drawn from the commercial world,
from corporate world, from the not for profit sector, from the charity sector,
government organizations, um,
and some more fringe indie boutique organizations. Um,
so that spectrum actually speaks to the variety of
spaces, media spaces that you can join once, you know,
you have your, um, bachelor of communication.
So just keep that in mind. Um, for example,
I worked with Vice, um,
for a particular subject where students actually created content for
providers and part of the assessment involved,
the students get indirect feedback from the Vice editorial team based in
Melbourne. Now, given that’s one of the most,
the biggest and one of the best resourced, um,
youth oriented media organizations in the world,
that kind of feedback from the best in the world is really quite, quite special.
Um, and you can expect that across your degree,
certainly in the media business major, but in fact, all of our majors, um,
you’ll see there, we’ve,
we’ve got subjects that deal directly with the asylum seeker resource center
doing fantastic, um, work. So, you know, a lot of our,
um, partnerships speak to the variety of interests of the schools,
the variety of work that the staff engaged with. Um, and so we,
we like to think that that kind of breadth of experience and exposure enhances
the study journey for all of our students. Um,
and with that, um,
I think it’s time for questions. I’m going to have a look at the chat. Um,
um, I think I’m ready. So can I see any questions?
Um, if I wanted to do a double degree, this is from Olivia. Hello, Olivia.
If I wanted to do a double degree, would you recommend,
still do two majors within communication? I’m sure the answer is you can.
Um, so it’s, it’s really up to you. Um, but you can,
and it really, I suppose, depends on whether you want that, I suppose,
concentration of, of discipline, of stream in that second major.
Okay. So you can as well, I would say, um,
it wouldn’t be, um, I don’t think it would be, um,
overly challenging. Um,
and I usually recommend a second major. Um, so yeah, I would say, go for it.
Um, can you talk more about the AFL/New South Wales/ACT
and what is the connection there? Oh, you asked me about,
you asked me about the football connection. I’m not sure which, um,
specifically, which, uh, where that surface,
but I suspect that would have come about. We actually teach, um,
sports media in the school of communication.
And so what that has involved the sports and media is,
and I should say that’s, that’s at post-grad level, um,
is actually doing a lot of work with the SCG, AFL, um,
different sporting codes and different sports organizations,
crafting content for them. Um, but Luke, if you, like,
I can follow that up for you.
And if there’s a way to get that information to you, um, I will,
what are the options for the first majors?
Uh, so they’re the ones that I went through earlier. So, um, besides
media business there is strategic communication covering all things to do with
advertising and PR. There is journalism, um,
there’s writing and publishing. There is, um, digital and social media.
There is social and political science, so nice variety there that,
so, um, you can do any of them. So all of our majors,
you can choose them as first or second. So media business, for example,
you can do it as a first or a second.
Is it possible to do work placement as part of the degree with some of your
business partners? Very often yes. So in terms of,
so I suppose Adam, I don’t know if I should get you to clarify, um,
what you mean by work placement, if you mean internship. Um,
I’m speaking here to Adam.
So what we have at UTS is a thing called careers hub, and careers hub hosts,
all the internship opportunities, some like that. So careers hub,
if you like is the portal where all our internship and job
opportunities live, and you’ll be pleased to know that anything,
any kind of internship or,
or even job that is extended to our students,
we vet at UTS to make sure that there is a strong alignment
between what you’re being asked to do an internship or the job and,
and your particular discipline. And so the internships that you do, they,
I mean, there are literally thousands of organizations.
So that list I showed you is barely, you know, it’s,
that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Um, so with the internship,
there’s a few ways that you can do it.
Many students will do an internship as, as you know,
to supplement their degree.
So it sits outside of their degree outside of the self study program,
but lots of students will also do, um,
an internship subject for which means that you get academic credit for the
particular internship that you do. Um,
and that’s a really popular options because it basically allows you to kind of
double dip here. You’ve got the internship experience,
but you’re also getting academic credit. In other words,
it goes towards the credit points you need to successfully complete your degree.
So, um, that’s the other option and I’m hoping that that answers your question.
Um, but internship opportunities come up so often.
And so there are so many that it’s actually controlled, not controlled,
but it’s managed by careers hub. Um,
and there are so many kinds of organizations, um,
and also lots of really flexible arrangements too, with internships.
Okay. Charlotte, I’m not sure. I don’t think there’s any other.
Uh, all.
Right guys. I think that’s it. So, um, with that,
I will say thank you.
If there is any other questions that you can think of, um,
get them my way and I’ll be sure to address them. Okay. Thanks guys.
And best of luck, whatever you choose.