Fast track to 2nd year UTS Science
Fiona Davidson:
Welcome to our session, Fast track to 2nd year UTS Science. My name is Fiona Davidson, and I will be your host today. Our intention through our UTS Insearch webinars is to help explain the different ways into UTS and this session, especially to UTS science.
We acknowledged this has been an incredibly disruptive year, especially for those preparing for their HSC. So we really hope that this really illustrates the different options that you have, not all is lost, and to really reset your confidence.
Today’s agenda, we will be discussing who is UTS Insearch and the role the college plays preparing students for UTS. You’ll meet our lovely science program manager and also hear from a science student, so it’s always great to hear the student voice. We’ll go through how to apply and be followed by a live Q&A session, so please have your… if the questions come through the session, just type them in the Q&A function at the bottom of the screen, not the chat, but the Q&A.
Starting today’s session, we have Susan Sherringham, she’s our program manager from UTS Foundation Studies. Sue will essentially be going through the different pathway programs that we have, and that had that guaranteed entry to UTS. More importantly, how to get back on your feet and thrive at university and beyond. Susan has over 20 years’ experience in education across the secondary vocational and tertiary education sectors. She leads curriculum design team to enhance the development of 21st century skills, for those preparing for university. So welcome Sue.
Susan Sherringham :
Thank you Fiona, and welcome to you all. I’ll be talking to you today about UTS Insearch, who we are and what we do and how we help you get to UTS. UTS Insearch, is your pathway to UTS. It has a proven track record of helping students to reset their future. We offer a uniquely supportive environment, and it’s one where you can build your confidence as you begin your journey to university, and to develop those independent skills that you need to thrive at UTS and also in your future career.
I can imagine also that many of you have concerns about this challenging year and where this leaves you in regard to your journey to university, and whether or not those career choices you had, at the beginning of your HSC, are still within your reach. Well, I would say, that there’s no reason, not to follow your dreams. I think you should reach out and go for it, for that career that you wanted.
And because of these uncertain times more than ever quality education is really, really important because it represents a really good start and preparation, both for university, but also for the challenging times we’re facing and a good quality education opens up opportunities to deal with what lies ahead.
Students who start their UTS journey at UTS Insearch, enjoy a first year that combines caring, personal and differentiated academic support, with a real world practical approach to learning, something UTS is known for.
At UTS Insearch, you will experience a supportive learning environment, where your teachers can get to know you, where you can get to know them and where you can get individual guidance and feedback, and sharing that journey with your classmates. In addition to face to face classes, there’s also learning support programs, that can help you both one-on-one in workshops, and also through our study success advisors.
We have a student centred approach to learning. And what do I mean by that? Well, essentially the focus is on you. Helping you become independent in your learning, developing skills and attitudes to become lifelong learners, which is so important in an ever changing world. And this independence and the skills and attitudes that you develop will really stand you in good stead for your university experience and on interprofessional life. Courses here are designed in collaboration with UTS, which means we’re delivering the same educational outcomes as first year, at UTS.
When you successfully complete a UTS Insearch diploma, you’ll receive a guaranteed entry to the corresponding UTS undergraduate degree. I’m sure you still have questions about studying with us in semester three, including, will classes be face-to-face? We don’t expect to resume face-to-face classes until 2021. However, while things are uncertain, we will continue with the remote learning model that we successfully implemented at the beginning of the year.
I’d like to share with you a little bit about that remote learning approach and the sort of experience that you might have while you’re studying with us and how we will help you reach your goals. Unlike online learning, which is usually self-directed with little to no support or interaction with others, the remote learning classes at UTS Insearch, are taught in real time. Learning with your fellow classmates, interacting, collaborating, and receiving media and personalized feedback. It’s just like a classroom, it just happens to be through an online video platform.
Like face-to-face classes at UTS Insearch class sizes are limited, and we have small groups of up to 20 to ensure you get that personal attention.
So stay tuned to learn more about the great diplomas we have on offer. And above all, stay safe, stay positive and come and reset your studies with UTS Insearch. We’ve got your best interests at heart.
Fiona Davidson:
Thank you, Sue, and thank you for your time today. I’d now like to introduce you to Justin Chu. He’s our program manager for science. He’ll provide an overview of the diploma and to help illustrate what students can expect from studying this program. Justin has been with UTS Insearch, for five years. He’s particularly enthusiastic about student engagement and motivation in the field of science. Welcome, Justin.
Justin Chu:
Thank you. Welcome everyone, and thank you for joining me today.
In this presentation, you will learn about what science programs we offer and how we can get you into the second year of science degree at UTS. So, [inaudible 00:07:25] of science is designed to empower you to apply scientific [inaudible 00:07:28] and analysis to important issues impacting the world today. So your work as a scientist, has the potential to change the future and help solve some of the challenges humanity faces. This is a very exciting opportunity for you.
So, if you are studying HSC, if your HSC subject average is 63% or above, you are eligible to join our Insearch program. After studying the Diploma of Science with us, then you will be able to join UTS the second year, for the Bachelor of Science degree.
What is it about our Diploma of Science? We offer two programs, Life Sciences and Physical Sciences. Most of you, of course, if you get a guarantee entry to your second year of UTS, so you will be learning from UTS teachers, who have a passion for science. And our curriculum is aligned to the UTS spectrum of science students first year, which means you will be joining our peers at the second year, at UTS.
On successful completion, you will receive up to 48 credit forms. So when you study science with us, you are basically, as I mentioned, you are studying the same subjects as the first year UTS students, and you have access to you UTS’s modern facilities such, as the Super Lab. And you will also experience a very supportive and caring learning environment to help you succeeded in your studies.
So let me show you some of the exciting learning examples. First of all, is the hands-on experiences. We emphasize hands-on experiences in your learning, so when you study your physics in action, you were [inaudible 00:09:17] cameras, so that you can apply your optics knowledge in order to create your own cameras.
In mathematical model 1, we understand that learning mathematics requires some fun, so our teachers designed a Bingo game to help you to learn the complex numbers. In science, we also have exclusion activities, so you will visit the Sydney Sea Life Aquarium, to [inaudible 00:09:41] learn about the Marine animals, in complexity.
In human anatomy that to me subject, so you will conduct your experiments in the UTS anatomy facilities, to you understand the forms and function of different body parts. So let me go through the subjects that you will study in physical sciences.
So as you can see in both Standards and Accelerated program, you study the same nine subjects, but you will study a nine subjects in three semesters, in a Standard program, and two semesters in Accelerated program. In your first semester of the Standard program, you will study, the Academic and Technical Communications, that emphasized that, the academic require in studying science. And you also study Chemistry 1, that gives you the fundamentals of chemistry, and also you will study a generic subject called, Principles of Scientific Practice, and this subject tells you about the scientific cycle, how scientists work and the community of science.
Building on this foundation, in semester two you’ll study more of, physical science related subjects. For example, Physical Aspect of Nature, Chemistry 2, and Foundation Mathematics. In semester three, Physics In Action, Introduction to Materials, and Mathematical Model 1, are the subjects that you will study.
In the Accelerated program, you’re studying the same subjects, but in two semesters, five in the first one, and four second. For the Life Science subjects, we have some similar subjects that share with the Physical science Subjects. So similarly, you will also study nine subjects in both Standards and Accelerated program. In the standard program, you can see that first semester you will study same three subjects. Academic and Technical Communication, Chemistry 1, and Principles of Scientific Practice.
But in semester two, you will study a biological subject, called, Cell Biology and Genetics. And in semester three, you will study more biological science subjects like, Human Anatomy and Physiology and Biocomplexity. Finally, you will study a subject called, Statistical Design and Analysis. This subject is very important for you to analyse the data when you’re conducting your scientific investigation. Similarly, in Accelerated program, you will study the same nine subjects, but five in the first semester and four in the second semester.
As I mentioned before, when you finish your study at UTS Insearch, you have received 48 credit points, to the following UTS bachelor degrees. So the most popular ones are the Biomedical Science and Medical Science. And some of our students do go to Environmental Biology and Marine biology.
Please remember to stay for our live Q&A, to find out more and ask questions. Thank you.
Fiona Davidson:
Thank you, Justin, for going through the diploma of sites and such great detail. I’d like to remind everybody that we will have Justin at the end to go through a live Q&A so have those questions ready. We will also have admissions staff to help you with any sort of admissions or entry requirements as well.
I’d like to remind you all, we do have a semester three intake and that’s for 6th of October. And that’s for those students who would like to do the accelerated program that will tee you up for the midyear intake for UTS science degrees next year.
There’s nothing like hearing about the student experience from a student them self. We’ve got Neda, who is a science graduate, who has taken the time today to join us, and to explain her experience with doing the UTS diploma, and some of the benefits she found from doing her first year of university with us at UTS Insearch. Welcome Neda.
Neda Klissourov:
Hi Fiona, thank you for having me.
Fiona Davidson:
Thank you. I know you’re busy studying, so really appreciate you sharing your stories with us. So if you could just start off and just a little bit about yourself, what you studied with us at Insearch, and what you’re now studying at UTS.
Neda Klissourov:
Right. Okay. Well my name is Neda, I am a domestic student, previously studied at UTS Insearch, and now I’m at UTS. I completed a diploma of science, and now I’m studying a bachelor of biotechnology.
Fiona Davidson:
Wow. Biotechnology. That sounds amazing. And where are you? Are you towards the end or where are you in your studies at UTS?
Neda Klissourov:
I’m right in the middle. I finished my first semester at UTS this previous autumn semester, and now I’ve just about started the spring session.
Fiona Davidson:
Wow. Excellent. So why did you decide to study at Insearch?
Neda Klissourov:
Well, after finishing my HSC in 2015, I had previously done a semester at a different uni, which I found just wasn’t the right fit for me. And instead after that, I took about two years as a gap year. And after that, I felt that, my right place is doing science, but unfortunately I didn’t have any credentials or marks that would get me into any other unis, especially in competition with all the freshly graduated high school students.
Fiona Davidson:
For sure.
Neda Klissourov:
I mean, when I was looking at different unis, I knew UTS was the best fit in terms of science, and the laboratory, and the resources they have, and I found UTS Insearch through that. Obviously I hadn’t studied for quite a while, I wasn’t really confident in my skills yet, so I felt that, that was the right place for me and the right path for me, to go through UTS Insearch, before I entered UTS.
Fiona Davidson:
And how was it when you went to Insearch, just adjusting to getting back into studying again. What was that process like for you?
Neda Klissourov:
Well, it was quite nerve wracking to begin with, but I adjusted so quickly in the first few weeks, just because there’s so much help available. And obviously they teach your skills, how to research, how to write, really prepare you for uni work.
Fiona Davidson:
That’s fantastic. That’s great. And what was some of your favourite practical experiences during your studies of the diploma of science?
Neda Klissourov:
Well, one of the best things about it, is obviously at UTS you’re in classes of over a hundred students, 300 even, so laboratory time is quite short and you don’t get much help from your instructors. But at UTS Insearch obviously our class sizes are much smaller and you get one-on-one help and guidance from your instructors. One of my favourite practicals was a titration practical, in our chemistry class. And I was very nervous, I’ve heard horror stories from my friends, but obviously with that guidance and that help and the small classes, really helped me get right to it. And afterwards, I was really proud of myself because I felt like I really learned all the skills I needed to.
Fiona Davidson:
That’s great.
Neda Klissourov:
Fiona Davidson:
Helping you get in over those bumps that are a bit daunting. So Neda, what was one of your highlights or major achievements studying the diploma of science at UTS Insearch?
Neda Klissourov:
Well, in my first semester I actually won the Dean’s merit prize.
Fiona Davidson:
That’s fantastic.
Neda Klissourov:
It was honestly one of the best moments I’ve ever experienced. In high school, I wasn’t the best student, and obviously after two years of not studying the confidence level was so low.
Fiona Davidson:
I bet.
Neda Klissourov:
But obviously, my first semester was really a big hurdle in terms of learning all the foundations that I needed, not only for uni study, but for future career and getting such a high GPA and winning that prize, really cemented for me that, I can do this, and I can finish my diploma and then I can finish my degree and I can get on with my life. So that, was honestly one of the highlights I could always remember.
Fiona Davidson:
I bet. It’s not just getting back into it and adjusting and making your way through. It’s actually thriving and succeeding. It’s a great… sorry.
Neda Klissourov:
Yes, it was absolutely a validation that my efforts are paying off, that I really cemented my work.
Fiona Davidson:
And so, some of the great things about UTS Insearch, are those small class sizes and the extra layers of student support. How do you think those helped you in achieving, going from lacking confidence to winning the Dean’s merit?
Neda Klissourov:
Right. Well, obviously, our classes are quite small and you have more face-to-face time, you have more time for one-on-one questions and help. From previous experiences where I’m in a classroom of 300 students, and I don’t have the means to ask the questions that I have, UTS Insearch really helped that, because we have tutors, you have your lab techs, not only that, but we have the student support services. So any question, no matter how small or large I was able to go and have it answered, and that really just helped cement my learning and just build my confidence in terms of the skills I need for study, for assessments, for exams, and then obviously careers.
Fiona Davidson:
Excellent. Really good. Really good to hear. Did you feel you had an advantage over other students at university who didn’t go through a pathway program?
Neda Klissourov:
From my personal opinion, I think I do. Only because, I remember what it was like going from HSC straight to uni-
Fiona Davidson:
Yes, in your first year.
Neda Klissourov:
… It’s nerve wrecking, it’s a lot, it’s overwhelming, and I feel like there are a lot of students out there who just aren’t prepared for that really independent learning style. And obviously I look at all my friends that are now at UTS, and some of them are straight from high school and I can help them in terms of, referencing, academic writing, things like that because now I’m experienced in that and I’ve had a lot of help on it. From personal experience, I think that I do have an advantage.
Fiona Davidson:
That is a big part of Insearch, of equipping students with those independent learning skills, it’s definitely part of the program. Well, I’m pleased to hear that for you, and it’s great and it’s nice that, you’re reaching out and helping your colleagues at university as well. If you could advise your old self or students who are thinking about studying a pathway program, such as at UTS Insearch, what would you say to them? Or what tips would you pass on?
Neda Klissourov:
I think the first thing I would say is to not hesitate. I did spend two years as a gap year wondering what to do, and it was that hesitation that stopped me from getting any further. So I think that’s the first thing, don’t hesitate if you think that you’re not confident enough yet to make that hurdle to full time uni, UTS Insearch is the perfect stepping stone, that’s what it’s there for. So just to do it, that’s really… That’s the goal there.
Fiona Davidson:
Wow. That’s a great piece of advice because I think we’ve all procrastinated a little bit now. Lifetime where fear is a bit of a hurdle and not being able to achieve and all that fear of failure, I guess, and look how well you’ve done, so that’s fantastic.
Thank you so much for your time with us today and thank you for staying in touch and sharing your story. And wishing you all the best with the next… since you’ve got another year and a half, you said.
Neda Klissourov:
Fiona Davidson:
Year and a half. Early days still, but I’m sure you’ll fly through it.
Neda Klissourov:
Thank you.
Fiona Davidson:
And look forward to being in touch with you soon.
Neda Klissourov:
Yes. Thank you so much for having me.
Fiona Davidson:
Thanks Neda. Thank you.
Finally, Aline, our very experienced partner manager from our student recruitment team is here to talk to us about what’s next, how to apply and what are the costs involved?
Hello, Aline?
Aline Chiron :
Hi, Fiona. How are you?
Fiona Davidson:
Good. Good. Good. Thanks for joining us.
Aline Chiron :
Thank you for having me.
Fiona Davidson:
And I’ll leave all the nuts and bolts over to you.
Aline Chiron :
As Fiona said, I’m just going to talk you through about the entry requirements. I’m sure that everybody’s thinking about that and wanting to know, how do I get into UTS Insearch? How to apply, the steps, the fees and the intake dates.
The entry requirements, you if you’re doing your HSC this year, or if you have already done it, everybody’s thinking about the ATAR, right? That’s something that everybody keeps in mind and it can actually become very stressful because you need this ATAR, to be able to go to your course of choice at UTS? UTS Insearch, is a bit different in that sense that we do not look at the ATAR, but we assess based on your HSC results. We don’t believe the ATAR, is defining here, we think that you’re more than a ATAR, so that’s why we look at your HSC, average.
The way we do it is that, we take your fault non-VET subjects, including English, we make the average, and then we can see if you can join the Accelerated diploma or the Standard diploma. So I will tell you more about the different diplomas that we have, in a minute. But just remember we do not look at the ATAR, we only look at the HSC average. We take the four non-VET subjects, including English, and then we’ve got the average. All right.
The entry requirements to going to these standard diploma, we need 67% in your HSC. Standard diploma is a 12 months program. You’ll also have the Accelerated diploma, which is eight months, and for that one, we’re looking at 75% [inaudible 00:24:52], in your HSC. So 67% for the Standard one, and 75% for the Accelerated one,
Just a quick recap, because you’ve already heard about that before of the reasons why it’s awesome for you to consider UTS Insearch, and why you should be doing a diploma at UTS Insearch. I’ve mentioned, we have the guaranteed entry to UTS. You don’t need to reapply. You don’t need to compete with other students, if you successfully complete your diploma with us, then your place is granted at UTS.
We have really good support, personalized support, small class sizes, one-on-one tutorial workshop sessions, that is happening every week as well. Study Success Advisors that are here to help you and guide you throughout anything, any issues that you have, they’ll be able to give you their expertise, advice on that. We make sure that, we prepare you to gain confidence and be able to succeed at university, especially at UTS.
Our goal is to make sure that not only you go to the diploma and then you pass, we want you to thrive once you go UTS. It’s all about building the confidence that you need, once you start at university. We also expert in transitional education, we’ve been doing that for years, so we know exactly what the student needs to be able to progress to university. We have the teachers that are experts, and again the Study Success Advisors, to make sure that you do well once you go to university.
Now [inaudible 00:26:24] about the fees. So for 202O, a diploma program, whether it’s Accelerated or Standard, it’s $32,000. This year and 2021 is going to be, $33,000. So you might wonder why it’s more expensive than, starting first year at university, there are different reasons why.
First of all, the ratio between teachers and students is not the same, so obviously it increases the cost a bit more. But we also have to remember that we are non-government funded, so we do not receive money from the government, hence why the fees are a bit more expensive. We are also a non-profit organization, meaning that all of the money that we receive, that we reinvested into the education, so into the facilities, into the teachers, into the whole Insearch organization to make your experience even better.
Also, one thing that we need to mention is that, if you are Australian, or citizen OPR humanitarian student, you can get the FEE-HELP as well, and get some help from the government. I invite you to have a look online, it’s actually pretty well explained
Now the intakes. So we’ve got three intakes every year happening and the very next one is actually happening in October, so the 6th of October is our next intake. And if among you, there are students that actually have done already their HSC last year, or three years ago, that might be your opportunity to actually not wait too long. You can start in October, and there are lots of courses that have immediate intake at UTS. So, if you are interested in, architecture, business, engineering, IT and also science, you could start in October, and transfer to the first or the second year at UTS in July, so you will be able to fast track.
And, if you are considering this sort of option, then that’s very important for you to know that. Otherwise, if you’re doing your HSC this year, we will have an intake in February the 22nd, next year or other one on the 15th of June, which is our semester two, or another semester three next year, on the 27th of September, so different sort of options for you.
How do you apply? So you basically, very easy, you just go to our website, there is an application form that you really need to fill out, just enter all of the fields and within two days, then you get an answer from us and hopefully you’re successful. And if you are an international student, whether you are offshore or onshore, during your HSC here, you will need the help of an education agent. We have at list on our website of all of our authorized education agents, they will be able to guide you through the process and also help you with the visa requirements and all of those things that you need to know, and you need experts to help you with.
I’m also inviting you to have a look at our website. There is the list of information as well regarding the academic requirements for your country, if you’re not in Australia. And also the English entry requirements for the foundation program that is offered to international students, also our diploma program. There is a list also of scholarships that are available depending on your country, and we have also listed all of the intake dates. Please have a look at our website, there is a comprehensive range of information over there, otherwise speak to your education agent. Thank you very much, everyone. Good luck.
Susan Sherringham :
Thank you, Aline. Thank you for going through the application process and to the entry requirements with us. We are about to start our live Q&A component of this webinar. Please fill in your questions in the Q&A function at the bottom of the screen, not the chat, but the Q&A. We have our program manager to answer your questions, we also have representatives from student center, admissions and the recruitment team. They will be with us shortly and we’ll get to it. Thank you.