Bachelor of Health Science Q&A

Daniel: [00:00:00] I am not going to be the only one here, but I’m also brought along a couple of my colleagues and we’re just going to introduce ourselves before we give you a short overview of the degree and then you can ask any questions you may have. My name is Dr. Daniel Demant. I am your course director for the Bachelor of Health Science and a lecturer in the School of Public Health. I am an epidemiologist by training and previously have worked in health promotion organisations, both in the government as well as in the nongovernmental sector in Australia as well as abroad. With me I have Dr Klaus Gebel, Dr Erica McIntyre and Bernard Saliba. Klaus, would you like to introduce yourself?

Klaus: [00:00:39] Thanks, Daniel. Yes, so my name is Klaus and I am a physical activity epidemiologist, my main research areas on the health effects of physical activity and also the relationship between urban design, physical activity and health. And I’m also an epidemiologist also in terms of teaching, that’s my main focus on teaching. And I also teach social determinants of health and planetary health.

Daniel: [00:01:09] Thank you, Klaus. Erica.

Erica: [00:01:13] Hi, thanks, Daniel. I am currently a subject coordinator, lecturer in the School of Public Health, and I’m teaching the subjects indigenous health and wellbeing and the environment, health and sustainability. My background is I my original degree was in health science and then I did an honours degree in psychology, PhD in psychology. In my area of research, interest is sort of across these two areas. Health psychology and environmental psychology applied in a public health context. So I’ve worked primarily as an academic, as a postdoc and postdoctoral researcher. And I also did some work for a mental health service provider as a research officer. I think that’s about it for me.

Daniel: [00:02:16] Thank you, Erica. Last but not least, Bernard Saliba.

Bernard: [00:02:20] Hi everyone, my name is Bernard, I’m a scholarly teaching fellow in the School of Public Health here, at UTS I’ve actually been part of the Bachelor of Health Science since the beginning, since 2016. My background’s in medical science and I predominantly teach subjects around health promotion, advocacy, global human rights and health and health communication and technology. Thanks. Thanks for coming today.

Daniel: [00:02:57] Ok, thank you, Bernard.

Daniel: [00:03:00] So today’s session really is your opportunity to ask us any questions you might have about studying at UTS in general or studying the health sciences, so please type your question into the Q&A box and resume control panel at the bottom and we will respond as your questions just come through. If we have a lot of questions, you might see if you had sent a text reply rather than we are actually answering them life from one of the panelists or from the faculty of health marketing team right here to help moderate the Q&A being an online event. Please bear with us. If there are any technical issues on the way, we will work to resolve them as quickly as we can. If you find you are not able to access to webinar at any point, please just log out and log back in again as that usually resolves such issues.

Daniel: [00:03:45] OK, now let’s have a brief overview of the Bachelor of Health Science, if you haven’t already, please watch our full info session video for Health Science available on the Open Week website. It goes through the course in much more detail and may answer a lot of your questions. Then consider dropping back into the Q&A session in 10 minutes time. Here’s a quick overview of key stats for the best of health science. The standard program is most commonly completed in three years full time, or can be studied for six years part time. That’s also the option to study a combined degree with the Bachelor of Arts and International Studies, a five year program and the combined degree. You will study language and cultural subjects and study overseas in the fourth year of your degree. The degree gives you students a solid foundation of knowledge across core health, science and public health subjects. For example, you’ll learn about health communication, digital health epidemiology, public health or health systems. Now we have one of those technical difficulties well (I’m trying to get to the new slide).

Daniel: [00:04:56] There we go. OK, so, once you have this solid foundation as part of the core subjects, there are five majors available to study in this degree, or you can also select no major and complete subjects tailored to your choice and to suit your interests. The five majors we have available are global health, health promotion, indigenous health, public health and human structure and function.

Daniel: [00:05:25] So now why choose to study at UTS? While we are waiting for your questions to come in, we will go through some of our most frequently asked questions. So why choose study at Health Science UTS.

Daniel: [00:05:45] I would generally say Health Science is a very flexible qualification if you’re looking for a nonclinical health program that you can tailored for your interests with the five majors, we actually have that respond to the industry needs we have at the moment and to the feedback as well. And you’ll also complete a professional industry placement in the third year of our degree to be able to apply the knowledge and skills you have learned in a real world environment. Plus, all of our teaching staff are really encouraged and engaged with the industry and have extensive health experience and clinical education policy or research roles. So you’ll actually benefit from the diverse expertise.

Daniel: [00:06:24] Now, maybe, Bernard, why did you choose to go into Health Science and public health?

Bernard: [00:06:30] I guess at the time, I was living in Vietnam and I was working with a number of people who were involved in different health promotion programs, and I just I just I think towards the end of my medical science degree, I decided that the more clinical science side of things wasn’t something that I was interested in. And I really liked what some of my friends in Vietnam were doing for work. In terms of one in particular, had a project she was working on implementing a helmet program for kids to wear in Vietnam when they were going to and from school. And she was a part of the implementation process of that program. And then eventually she worked through the entire process and got to the evaluation part and then saw how successful that health promotion side of public health is. And so I think that’s where initially it sparked my interest. And then I completed some additional degrees later and then eventually got into teaching. Does that answer your question?

Daniel: [00:07:45] Yes I guess it does. And I hopefully some of the questions they have as well. Yes.

Bernard: [00:07:51] I haven’t been paying attention to the questions. Sorry. Let me have a look.

Daniel: [00:07:55] Oh, no, I still have a few more general things. We’ll go through just a couple more slides and then we can actually those questions as well about career options following this degree. And that is always one of the questions a lot of people have when they study health sciences and public health.

One of the major, I would say, positive things about public health is it’s such a broad field, meaning you can work in various different areas. And also that actually means a lot of people may not be able to grasp the concept of public health in the first place. So there’s a variety of career options. You can go into positions in health promotion, advocacy, health, education, e-health, health data, information management systems, planning policy, indigenous health, community development, epidemiology, as well as research.

What you really want to do depends on your interests and you will develop the interest in the area you’re interested in while you’re studying. You will actually find that there are quite a few subjects you might be really interested in you didn’t think of before and maybe the things you really enjoyed during high school, maybe not no longer the things you really enjoy doing later on. And you have the choice between the majors that actually give you much more specific knowledge about a certain area within our health care system, such as health promotion. OK, and you can also use the degree as a platform to go over to do postgraduate studies that can be clinical as well as non-clinical studies, can studies can, for example, be speech pathology or physiotherapy or subjects on non-clinical studies when we go further into epidemiology or doing a master of public health as well.

Klaus: [00:09:39] If I may add, Daniel, you just said that one of the advantages of a Bachelor of Health Science is how broad it is, how many different career paths it opens. And if you think of something like an undergraduate degree in, say, occupational therapy, well, you can become an occupational therapist and that’s it. There’s only really that one narrow path, but that’s not health science – as Daniel said, it opens up a lot of different career paths. And as I said during the course, you will inevitably have some subjects that you like more than others and where you are better than in other subjects. And then you can decide over time exactly which out of the many options you want to pursue beyond your degree.

Daniel: [00:10:29] Thank you, Klaus. Now, what can we expect from the professional placement in the third year, Bernard.

Bernard: [00:10:37] So our students usually take a professional placement subject of at least one hundred and forty hours in the final year of their degree. We have a dedicated internship officer who will support you throughout your application process for that placement within an organization that matches your career interests. And even, you know, I’ve seen students go into organizations that don’t exactly match their career interests, but they still gain a lot of skills and experience from that. But you know how students have worked with organizations like Cerebral Palsy Alliance, the Heart Foundation, Justice, Health, Forensic Mental Health Network and Neuroscience Research Australia, the WHO Collaborative Centre for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Development here at UTS. A number of our students have also gone on to international placements in Indonesia, Vietnam, Sri Lanka. That list of professional, sorry, that list of industry partnerships is growing. And every year we get new new organizations that we take on that we send students to that final year.

Daniel: [00:11:59] And we already have a question related to that. So basically already discussed which kind of internships the students were previously engaged in. Has anyone ever gotten a job from the internship?

Bernard: [00:12:10] Yes, I know. I know as a fact at least four students from the – I don’t know about last year’s students – but I know the very first cohort that started in 2016 with us and they graduated at the end of 2017 – Yes, four of those students actually ended up getting jobs with the places with the organizations they interned with. One of them was working with Apple, the wearables. She was doing health analytics with the Apple Watch.

Those people and a number of other students, another student. Look – I wish he was here to talk to you guys; He got a job with the organization that he interned with just down the road. And I know since then he’s progressed and he’s gotten he’s got promoted in his position. So to answer your question, yes, it’s very possible for students to end up getting a job from their internships. That’s not what the point is, but if you can get the networking and the connections with people from the organization to eventually get a job, that’s just an added bonus. But that’s not the reason, that’s not the main reason students do the internships or professional placements, as we call them.

Daniel: [00:13:30] Ok, thank you very much. Another question is, what is eHealth, Erica?

Erica: [00:13:36] Yeah, hi. So e health stands for electronic. So e-health can encompass a whole range of things, really. But at the moment, there’s a very strong focus on what you what you’ve probably heard of telehealth. So that’s using electronic communication. But it can also involve so it can involve that Internet relationship that you can have with a health care provider and how that’s managed. And e-health as well can also encompass how data is managed as well. So I think I’ve got that pretty much. I think that’s what’s pretty much covered in any health.

Daniel: [00:14:27] All right, thank you so much. Now, I think Klaus can answer this question. Can health science be used as a pathway? Sorry, not that one, sorry. Do you need to study the possibility, of course, to work in public health, or can a bachelor’s do the same thing?

Klaus: [00:14:47] Well, I would say that when it comes to more senior positions, then, yes, they might rather want to have someone with a postgraduate degree. But there are absolutely there are positions I see positions advertised on a regular basis where they say that a bachelor in the health sciences is sufficient to in the selection criteria to be eligible to apply for a position.

Daniel: [00:15:20] All right, thank you so much.

Daniel: [00:15:23] Now, can health science be used as a pathway into, for example, nutrition, or any alternative postgraduate recommendations?

OK, so the best of health science. We have a pathway agreement for the amount of physical therapy you must of all subjects, and you must have speech pathology at UTS. We also have students who went into other postgraduate studies at other universities, including physiotherapy, and we also have students who actually did go into nutrition and similarly related things, also including diabetes education as well. And there’s a whole variety of post courses in the health area. Clinical and nonclinical. You can do guarantee is what we can only do for the ones that are told to UTS, because there is where we have to agreements for things that are outside of UTS. We have a lot of courses where it does work, but we cannot necessarily guarantee it.

Daniel: [00:16:24] OK, what are some of the electives, if I choose to do no major? Bernard.

Bernard: [00:16:30] So I said that I’d answer this question live, but then I realized that the list there’s about 20 different subject and because they are electives, they only usually run if there’s enough students interested in doing them. But they range from subjects like communicable disease prevention and control, epidemiology and global population health, global human rights and health equity and global sexual reproductive maternal health, health analytics, managing people and organizations, nutrition, healthy eating sports and exercise physiology. Strengthening global health systems, transnational management, the environment.

So actually there’s a there’s quite a big range of subjects that you could do as an elective, and especially if you’re taking the No Major, Major, you can tailor your degree to the to your interests by choosing whichever electives you can actually adjust. If you go on Google and you check out the handbook for 2020 for the Bachelor Health Science and you can actually see the electives that you can choose from. I put a link, actually, I can put a link to that question.

Daniel: [00:17:44] So there is a link now posted in the link and you can see an overview generally if you do no major, you actually can attend or select all of the subjects from all of the majors. As part of your studies, you may have to make sure that some of them may have prerequisites because they’re part of a major, but generally all of them are open to you. So you have quite a wide range of electives when it comes to that.

Daniel: [00:18:11] Now, a question I can actually really relate to, at least I was able to relate to and maybe I can answer this one: I am really interested in this course. However, I am not very good at math. What sort of mathematics will be involved, if any, and to what level would it be?

Klaus: [00:18:29] Yeah, to this student, I could say you’re not the first student to ask this kind of question, and I’m happy to answer it.

Klaus: [00:18:37] So as someone who teaches some epidemiology and I have also taught a bit of statistics in the past, I can tell you, frankly, that the kind of mathematical skills that are required for epidemiology are very, very basic. So. It’s about what you had to do in high school in grade seven or eight, all you need to be able to do is to multiply, divide, add and subtract numbers. That’s it. It’s very, very basic. Very, very simple. So, yeah, you really don’t need to be worried about mathematics, mathematical skills required for this cause, neither for EPI nor for statistics.

Daniel: [00:19:20] So, again, I think that is what a lot of people were really afraid of or generally afraid of. If they read the word statistics or health statistics, they assume it’s like very mathematically the subject. But statistics and mathematics are two very different things in statistics. It’s mostly about being able to interpret the data and being able to understand what data means, not necessarily the mathematics behind it. And we have computer programs for that. And the computer programs they do the calculating for you. You are only to wonder actually showing what does that mean, the result that comes out and what does it mean for health services planning, for example, or to identify which population we focus on when it comes to the next health promotion campaign? Also, I would also like to say I teach biostatistics both undergrad and postgrad, and I got kicked out of high school because I failed mathematics and because I failed English.

Daniel: [00:20:13] So now I teach biostatistics in English. And if I can do that, I am very sure you can do that as well. Not the teaching.

Erica: [00:20:20] Can I add to that? Sorry, it’s Erica and I had a similar experience to Daniel. I failed maths at school and I ended up doing psychology honours degree and ended up doing structural modelling for my Ph.D. and I am quite confident with statistics. So yes, that’s definitely something you can do without strong math skills.

Daniel: [00:20:50] Ok, so I hope that reassures you that mathematics is nothing that is extremely or overly important for this one. I have one more accommodation. Numbers usually changes when you get out of high school.

Klaus: [00:21:04] One more comment I would like to add about mathematics required for epidemiology. Actually, it’s only about 30 or 40 percent of what we do in epidemiology that requires any mathematics or any calculations because it’s not all about calculating things. And when we need to calculate something, it’s really, really basic.

Daniel: [00:21:26] Right now, we have a few other questions. One of them is, what if I want to do a teaching job?

I am not 100 percent sure what that question means if it is about teaching the very traditional sense as teaching schools. I do know that a few people did an undergraduate degree in health sciences of public health, then went on to do a master’s in secondary education to work and associate or teach associated subjects in school. The only thing you may do with your undergraduate degree is actually to go into health education, which can be very, very different from traditional teaching, as it is mostly related to working with groups of patients in very specific settings, such as indigenous settings or indigenous health services or in health promotion, which is sort of like the type of teaching we are looking at when it comes to health education.

Daniel: [00:22:26] Ok, well, I’ve read you, it’s now working, but not.

Bernard: [00:22:33] (What kind of jobs are students in?) So I only know because I’ve written a couple of references for some of my very good students in the past who have been applying for jobs, and I can tell you that one of them now works for ACT Health. So in Canberra, a couple have applied for jobs at NSW Health. I know one of them, one of them got one. As I mentioned earlier, one of our very first graduates has a job with Apple and Justice Health. And of course, then there’s also a number of students who are doing postgraduate study. So they’ve gone on to further study. Other than that, I don’t know, maybe, Daniel, you might also know some previous things.

Daniel: [00:23:17] Sort of like as a general rule, about a third of our students are working in the public sector. That is of Queensland Health, a city health, but also the federal Department of Health in various different roles from health services, planning to epidemiology to. Writing programs for contract tracing. So, like reading a lot of ranges, depending on what they’re doing and what major they learn about a third is working in non-governmental organizations, largely in health promotion. And the other third is either working in the private sector. For example, for Apple, we also have some people working for Google or for robotics, pharmaceutical companies or doing graduate studies.

Bernard: [00:24:02] And also part of the postgraduate studies is also doing an honours degree. So we have one student doing it on his degree now and we have another student who’s interested in doing honours degree next year. The honours degree is also very new. 2020 was the first year that we ever had an honours student. If you don’t know what an honours degree is, it’s just a one year degree of intense research where you work on where you work on one project and then you end up graduating with an honours degree. So we also offer that.

Daniel: [00:24:35] Ok, another question, how long does it take to complete a master’s degree? Maybe, Erica, you can answer that.

Erica: [00:24:44] Yeah, I guess it depends on the master’s degree, so I’m pretty sure sorry you’ve put you on the spot here Daniel.

Erica: [00:24:52] Our master’s degree is, is it 18 months? Am I right? Yes. OK, great. I got that right. Yes. It does depend on your master’s degree. Some master’s degrees can be two years. For example, a Clinical Psychology Master’s would be two years. But yeah, public health obviously isn’t.

Daniel: [00:25:19] Now we have, how many students are there each year?

This year we got about one hundred and fifty students in the moment and we expect roughly about the same number for 2021 as well.
Do you need to have any prerequisite subjects such as biology?

No. So the only thing you need are two units in English.

I’m just doing a little bit of a fly around of, like, the small questions that are more specific.

Daniel: [00:25:55] Do you study any subjects with students in other degrees? Yes. So we have the (Human Structure and Function) major with sport and exercise science since most of the subjects in that major are taught in the school. So sports and exercise sciences and in a couple of other majors study subjects in the faculty of arts and social sciences and in general science. We also acknowledge we have some students from those faculties as well doing a couple of our subjects, including particularly epidemiology as well.

Daniel: [00:26:29] Hi Bernard, do you have any examples of the Honours projects you mentioned?

Bernard: [00:26:35] Yes, so there’s only one example at the moment, because there’s only one student who’s doing an honours degree, so her name is Gabby and she’s supervised by Associate Professor Nikki Percival from the School of Public Health. So our colleague and Gabby’s interest was nutrition and Nikki’s interest is Aboriginal health. So what Gabby’s project focuses on, what it explores is how nutrition plays a role in Aboriginal health. And she focuses on the implementation of nutrition programs, specifically what facilities success supports sustainability and leads to change and improvements in Aboriginal health. So she looks she’s been looking at that throughout the year and she’s almost finished. And Gabby’s presented at different forums. And we’re very proud of Gabby. And it’s also probably because it’s the first honour student.

I understand that we have another student who’s interested in doing an honours degree next year. His interest is more around the physiology and exercise and sports and things like that. So what we do is we try and pair the student. We have an honours degree coordinator, the coordinator whose job it is to pair the student with an appropriate supervisor. And so I think they’re in the process now of pairing this one student, Trystan, with a supervisor next year. So I’m sorry, I don’t have many other examples of honours projects, but these are the ones that are that students are working on now. But it also depends on what projects are available. So if let’s say that you and I are working on a project around sexual health, we might decide to take on an honours student who could really gain a lot of experience from working with us so that student would be doing that particular project.

Daniel: [00:28:38] Now they’re coming, a few more questions related to our honours degree.

So just very generally, and honestly, across the universities honours works pretty similar. Whether you do it at UNSW, USYD or UTS because there is a legal framework around it. An honours degree is a one year research intensive degree that follows after a three year course where you work on a project on your own. So you develop an idea, you’re interested in something. And then we’re pairing you up with someone from the staff and you’re working on your own project or you’re being integrated into an already existing project on campus. Someone already does. And at the end, then you graduate with a Bachelor of Laws and policies. Only this one year research intensive. It qualifies you to do a PhD after that or you can use it to actually enhance your knowledge in a very specific area and make yourself a little bit more, let’s say wanted and making sure you more hire qualified, more specifically qualified in certain areas for potential employers. A master’s degree is a separate degree that can be either completely researched or it can also be completely coursework and then leads to a clinical qualification, for example.

Daniel: [00:30:03] Ok. Now we have three questions that are more specific related to campus life. Now, question number one is, what are the on campus requirements for class lectures? That has changed dramatically in 2020.

Daniel: [00:30:28] I’m going to tell how it used to be covered in the assumption that this is the way universities will be post COVID as well, and we all hope that is going to be next year. So each of the subjects you teach has three components. There is a lecture component, there’s a tutorial component, and a self-directed learning component. The lectures between one and one and a half hours, depending on the subject and the tutorials are also between one and a half to two hours usually. So the total contact time for each subject per week is three hours.

On top of that is your own self-directed of learning, which means reading up on literature, making notes, preparing for tutorials and preparing for lectures, and also working on what you have learned and doing your own little research around that. If you do study full time, that is all subjects, meaning 12 hours at least per week over the semester. There are some exceptions, smaller subjects in the majors. They may work differently with like full day workshops, depending on what it is, but that’s usually roughly about the number of things.

Daniel: [00:31:42] If you study part time, how many days is it?

Bernard: [00:31:45] I guess you answered that, Daniel, so everything that you said just halved. So it really depends on how many subjects you’re doing. Part time is considered one or two subjects. So if you’re doing full time, so what Daniel said, it would be half of that if you do two subjects or a quarter of that if you’re doing one subject. So it really depends on the number of subjects that you do. It depends on the nature of the subjects and the mode that it’s delivered in. If it’s on, if it’s all online, if it’s half online, half on campus, if it’s in block mode, if it’s, you know, lectures and tutorials, if it’s workshop. So it really depends on the on the on the subject that you choose and the subjects that you have to do. But there’s really no simple and quick answer for that right now.

Daniel: [00:32:38] Ok, now we’re being asked for our opinion, so that’s exciting. Jessica wants to know what the best field and health sciences is to work and has the most promise for getting the job?

That’s a difficult question. And I am going to open that up to the entire panel to have a look at what you think or what you would have done differently when it comes to finding the right major and the right to work in.

Bernard: [00:33:07] I think Daniel would agree with me when I say I if I could go back, I would probably go into health analytics and data and studying health information, because I feel like especially with the current climate, understanding how to analyze data is probably going to be where you know, where the jobs are and maybe where the money is. Things around climate change, I also think but maybe Erica has more to say on that. But I definitely think health data is probably where, you know, where a lot of jobs will be.

Erica: [00:33:57] Yeah, yeah, did you want me to come in?

Erica: [00:34:02] Yes, so, yes, this is a hard question to answer, but I, I think there’s a there’s a lot of good opportunities in health promotion and also environmental health, particularly the intersection between environmental health and the urban environment and. I think the impact assessments, for example, so you can get employed in planning environments, so working for development companies who are developing new and open urban development areas, residential areas and business areas, and they have to do health impact assessments. So that’s a growing area because health impact assistance assessments inform sort of the future planning and climate change actually is being increasingly introduced into those impact assessments as well. So that’s definitely an area of growth environment planning.

Bernard: [00:35:18] Also to add to what I said earlier, yes, health data and analytics, but also to add to what Erica said on health promotion, I think also digital health promotion, using apps and and reaching reaching young people, especially on social media and things like that. So I think health promotion is probably also a really big one.

Daniel: [00:35:42] So I think generally when it comes to getting a job, my general advice would always be, do what you what is really good for you. But you have fun because if something is fun for you to do, you’re automatically much better at it than just doing something for the sake of getting the job later on. And often things really change over time because a lot of people will tell you go into this area and as a result, a lot of people try to go into this area, meaning there are a lot of people now and less jobs, whereas the areas that were crowded now don’t have that many people. So it’s sort of like a wave thing that is going on. That is true for generally for all causes, but also within specific areas like health as well. And there was a very long time where it was really difficult just to find a job that has changed about five to six years ago, where we now have a scarcity of epidemiologists and biostatisticians. And trust me, in 2020, if you are an epidemiologist right now and you don’t have a job, then you’re definitely doing something wrong.

Klaus: [00:36:51] I, I can only agree to what you guys have said. So absolutely. If you if you enjoyed. Epidemiology statistics in the Bachelor of Health Sciences, you get a jump like that if you’re good at that. Also, health economics I always see positions advertised in that field, very, very sought after.

Klaus: [00:37:16] And yeah, and as I said, health promotion. There are always jobs in various organizations in health promotion. Be at the Heart Foundation, the Cancer Council. There’s so many organizations that employ people in health promotion. There are lots of different specializations where where there are jobs advertised and yes, also jobs where they are looking for someone not necessarily with a post, but an undergraduate degree.

Daniel: [00:37:48] Ok, thank you so much. I hope that actually gives you, like, at least an overview of what it means to study it and how to get on top of where the jobs we are. But as I said, these things can change dramatically. And particularly public health is something that is always very open for change. And a lot of the things in the health care system have changed dramatically in the past six months. And the current public health crisis we are seeing is going to change the health care system for years to come. So it’s really difficult at the moment to predict how it’s going to be. The only thing we can say is that studying public health at the moment is probably a relatively safe thing to do compared to many other areas.

Erica: [00:38:31] Can I make a comment just about some other important skills you bring away with you when you do a Bachelor of Health Science like the one we offer each year is communication and collaboration and engagement. So and those skills are really highly valued. So just and they’re becoming more valued as well. So that that all that digital side of things is really important and the data analytics and everything else. But to complement that, you still need to be able to communicate and collaborate and and think creatively, all of those kind of soft skills. So that’s that’s I guess the benefit of a degree like this is that you get a nice complement of both.

Daniel: [00:39:24] Ok, thank you very much. So if you pick a major, like health promotion, can you still pick some subjects in global health? Bernard.

Bernard: [00:39:36] The answer, the short answer, yes, I think, Daniel, as soon as I clicked on this answer, I realized that you might have a better insight because you were part of the recent reaccreditation process but I think my answer is yes.

Daniel: [00:39:54] So, again, each of the majors consists about from eight subjects, so I’m depending on the major. Some of them actually have eight core subjects, which means you do not have any electives left. Some of them may only have five or six core subjects and two electives. And those electives you can choose also from other majors. However, these elective lists are curated. So, for example, something when you study health promotion and are subjects from global health that are a good fit for health promotion, you can pick those ones. However, those subjects that are not related to health promotion at will most likely not going to be in that elective list. So those elective lists specifically tied to a major.

Daniel: [00:40:41] OK, I think that was it from the questions from the audience, but I think there were really a few really good questions among them, especially the ones that are related to jobs, and the ones related to how actually does it work with careers and future options once you actually finish this degree.

So as I said at the beginning, really have a look online. There is a much more detailed description of the events of health science in writing on our web page. And there’s also a video where you can enjoy looking at me for another 10 minutes explaining the Bachelor of Health Science in much, much, much more detail. If you haven’t heard enough from me today yet.

So that means we actually are reaching the end of today’s session, so I really would like to thank you for joining us today and note that if you really have if you have any questions that are very specifically related to admissions, you can ask them any one on one live chat forum until 8pm today. And they probably are able to answer more questions that are related to you, about very specific things, such as ATAR scores and everything rather than us.

If you do have any further questions after today, maybe something just comes to your mind in exactly five minutes when this webinar is over, you can actually contact us on the other details on the screen and we are going to attend your questions as soon as possible. OK, so I think that was it for today.

Thank you very much for joining us and thank you very much to Klaus, Erica, and Bernard for answering those questions. Thank goodness we are looking forward to maybe seeing one or two of you to start studying with us next year. Thank you so much and have a great evening.